1) Your current age is:

a) under 30   
b) 30 - 40
c) 41 - 50
d) 51 - 60
e) above 60

2) How much do you depend on your total income for meeting your expenses?

a) < 25%
b) between 25% and 50%
c) between 50% and 75%
d) above 75%

3) You provide financially support to:

a) only yourself and/or working spouse
b) yourself and non-working spouse 
c) yourself, non-working spouse and 1 dependent 
d) yourself, working spouse, children and parents
e) More than 5 other persons besides yourself

4) You are …

a) owner of your dream house
b) living with parents in inherited house 
c) own a house for which you pay home loan
d) presently saving to buy a house

5. Your job/business in coming future:

a) may decrease substantially
b) may decrease moderately
c) will remain almost the same
d) will grow moderately
e) will grow substantially

6. Describe your knowledge and experience about investments:

a) familiar and experienced
b) not too familiar but experienced 
c) familiar but not experienced 
d) not familiar and not experienced

7) How many years you think you can save before your financial goals arise?

a) < 5 years 
b) 5 - 10 years 
c) > 10 years 
d) already enough / met

8) After you make an investment, you typically feel:

a) preserving wealth
b) generating regular income to meet current requirements
c) balance current income and long term growth
d) long term growth

9) When you think of the word "risk" which of the following word comes to mind first?

a) thrill
b) opportunity
c) uncertainty
d) loss

10. If over a three-month period, an investment you owned lost 20% and the overall stock market lost 20%, what would you be most likely to do?

a) buy more of the investment 
b) do nothing with the investment
c) wait for the stock to regain the loss, then sell it
d) sell and go back to fixed deposit

11) You are in a game show with following options to choose. The option appealing to you is

a) 10% chance of winning 25 times of annual income
b) 25% chance of winning 15 times of annual income 
c) 50% chance of winning 5 times of annual income
d) cash worth one time of your annual income

12) Please estimate how long you will leave your investment in place until you expect to withdraw it?

a) less than 1 year
b) from 1 to 3 year
c) from 3 to 5 year
d) more than 5 year

13) How do you feel when your financial decision goes wrong?

a) I still remain confident to overcome obstacle
b) I generally don't take risk because of which I suffer financial loss
c) I view it as personal failure
d) I feel guilty

14) How much is your existing investments worth as a multiple of your current annual income?

a) 3 years and above 
b) between 2-3 years 
c) between 1-2 years 
d) between 6 months-1 year
e) < 6 months

15) The ideal range of end value of investment of Rs. 100,000/- for you would be

a) best case 250,000/- worse case 60,000/-
b) best case 200,000/- worse case 80,000/-
c) best case 160,000/- worse case 100,000/-
d) best case 150,000/- worse case 110,000/-

16. When it comes to investing, are you most comfortable with investments that:

a) are stable and protect against loss even if it means low returns
b) have little risk of short-term, and offer some opportunity  for long-term growth
c) have moderate risk of short-term loss, but offer moderate Opportunity for long-term growth
d) have higher risk of short-term loss, but offer very high opportunity for long-term growth